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Budget Planner

    magnifying glass-image

    Your monthly income

    Amount in Euros

    Your monthly expenditure

    Amount in Euros

    The balance of your monthly income & expenditure is…..

    You have a surplus; perhaps this is a good time to start thinking about your future and saving for retirement through a pension arrangement.

    Next steps …

    To work out how much you should be contributing to meet your needs in retirement and to understand the tax benefits of pension saving you can use the The Pensions Board calculator.

    Launch the Pension Calculator

    Calculator Icon


    This budget planner provides a sample indication only and results are based on the accuracy of the information provided.
    For a more detailed budget planner visit the extensive personal budget planner on the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission website at .
    The Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) is a free confidential independent service which provides help and expert advice to people who are having difficulties in managing their money.
    For a full and accurate financial analysis, you may wish to consult with a professional financial adviser.