Guidance note on the European Union (Supplementary Pension Rights) Regulations 2019

Thursday 28 November 2019: The Pensions Authority have published a guidance note on the European Union (Supplementary Pension Rights) Regulations 2019 (S.I. No. 447 of 2019). These Regulations bring certain provisions of Directive 2014/50/EU (the Portability Directive) into force from 13 September 2019.  The purpose of the Portability Directive is to facilitate the exercise by workers of the right to freedom of movement between EU member states by reducing the obstacles created by certain rules concerning supplementary pension schemes linked to an employment relationship.  The purpose of the guidance note is to provide guidance to trustees and employers on the effect of the amendments made by the Regulations to the Pensions Act.  The guidance note is available from the Guidance section of the Authority’s website here.


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Technical Unit

The Pensions Authority

Tel: (01) 613 1900

Note to Editors

The Pensions Authority

The Pensions Authority is the statutory body established by the Pensions Act 1990 to regulate occupational pension schemes, trust based RACs and Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs) and to advise the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection on overall pension policy development. See